trešdiena, 2016. gada 21. septembris

Rock theme

Book "A rock is lively" has been a great hit at our home. My son had me reread it multiple times. It inspired him to ask me to explore rocks deeper. First we studied rock cycle. I used grated crayons to show formation of sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks. To show sedimentary rocks, the crayon pieces were pressed together strongly, for metamorphic rocks - crayon pieces were put onto aluminium foil and then into bowl filled with hot water. For igneous rocks, we did the same as for metamorphic rocks, but heated a bit longer and stirred a little to show how all the colors mix together. Then we went deeper into details - I got a set of 15 rocks - 5 from each type - igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks from amazon. I made three-part cards to match this set. Download your free printable here Another good activity to add to rock theme is matching rock types to landmarks. See Carrots are Orange page to dig deeper into this.

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